Thursday, August 18, 2011

Pakistani on hunger strike, inspired from Anna Hazare

Taking a cue from Anna Hazare, a 68-year-old Pakistani businessman is set to go on hunger strike in Islamabad from September 12 to declare war on endemic corruption in his country. Expressing his admiration for Hazare, Jehangeeer Akhtar complained that corruption was a far more serious disease in Pakistan.

Activist Akhtar wants the Pakistan Parliament to pass an anti-corruption law -- like what India is now planning.

"I demand that an anti-corruption bill be presented in the National Assembly," said Akhtar, who has closely followed the anti-corruption war in India.

He said the Pakistani bill should be on the lines of what gets passed in India's parliament. 

"Corruption in Pakistan is more than in India... bahut zyada (much more)," Akhtar told IANS in a telephonic interview from Islamabad where he runs a photography business.

It is not the first time Akhtar will be taking up cudgels for a cause.

"I once sat on a hunger strike for 22 days for the sake of traders in Islamabad," he recalled. It was about tenants being forcibly vacated.

On another occasion, he went on hunger strike for eight days.

Full News Here.... 

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